Diamond Engagement Ring

Understanding How Grading Systems Work For Coloured Diamonds

Diamond Engagement Ring
Diamond Engagement Ring
Diamond Engagement Ring

Are you in search of a colored diamond for your engagement ring? A diamond engagement ring with a colored stone is probably something you’ve had on your radar for a while now. Recent trend shifts have revealed a desire for something less expected and non-traditional when it comes to diamond rings.

Fancy-colored diamond rings and vibrant gemstone rings made of rubies and sapphires are examples of colored engagement rings. Essentially, any color-based design can be a stunning option for an engagement ring, and there are many lovely options to choose from thanks to both traditional and modern designers.

Rarer than a colorless diamond, fancy color diamonds are the most brilliant and exotic gemstones to ever come from the earth. So it is very important that you understand the grading system before choosing the dream stone for your engagement ring.

Let’s understand how the grading system for colored diamonds works.

Grading System For Coloured Diamonds

There are countless hues available in colored diamonds. However, there are typically 200–300 shades of graded color diamonds available. When grading colored diamonds, three things must be taken into account. These are base color, intensity and secondary colors.

Base Colors: There are 12 different base colors for diamonds. Examples include the colors red, yellow, green, blue, pink, purple, brown, orange, violet, and grey. Diamonds in black and white are also offered. These colors’ tones are also significant. A vivid red diamond may not look anything like a deep red diamond.

Intensity Of Colour: Diamonds of each base color can be further classified based on their color intensity. There are nine different levels of color intensity. This ranges from faint to extravagantly vivid. Fancy intense, fancy deep, fancy dark, fancy, fancy light, light, and very light are the intermediate levels. Not all colored diamonds are available in all color intensity levels. For example, there are no faint, light, or very light red diamonds available. Similarly, no light yellow diamonds exist.

Secondary Colors: A single color cannot adequately describe the majority of colored diamonds. Instead, they are frequently described as a pair of colors, such as orange-red diamonds or pinkish-purple diamonds. The dominant color is typically mentioned last, which is important to keep in mind. In a blue-green diamond, for instance, green predominates.

More rare than fancy yellows and browns are diamonds with even a slight hint of another color. As long as the color is facing up, they count as fancy colors. Blue, red and green colored diamond stones with medium to dark tones and moderate saturation are rare.

The grading of colored diamonds is a specialized and complex process done by trained laboratory graders.

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